Ether Tree - 1st Quarter Update

Sales and royalty update, donation voting (?), and The Grove....

Ether Tree - 1st Quarter Update
Photo by Luke Richardson / Unsplash

It's been over three months. Wild, right?

It's been a long time since I last posted here. Sorry loyal readers, it's been busy busy busy.

But anyway, it's a sleepy Sunday so it's time for an ether tree update!

Diamond Tree Holders

Ether trees are incredible tightly held. At one point there wasn't a single tree for sale!

So I begin this article with a thank you to all ether tree holders. It's great to be on this journey with you.

Photo by Alexas_Fotos / Unsplash

Sales and Carbon update

In the last quarter the project has earned 0.03323 ETH in royalties. All proceeds from ether tree are committed to carbon offset projects, so at today's ETH value we have about $100 to splash on worthwhile environmental schemes.

In disappointing news, the offset provider we were using (offsetra) don't seem to be active anymore. At least, right now there are no schemes that we can buy into on their site.

Which means that I am looking for a new offset scheme provider where I can buy direct with crypto and get certified proof of where the funds will go.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Drop a message to me if you do.

Donation voting...?

The other possibility is that we throw this open to the community. One vote per tree and you get a say, each quarter, on what charity we spend proceeds on.

I mean, $100 isn't a lot, but what we are looking to achieve here isn't limited by how much money is at stake.

Photo by Element5 Digital / Unsplash

Would you be interested in this sort of approach? Let me know.

The Grove

And finally, ether tree has secured four webaverse genesis NFTs for the community.

As soon as we are able to, we will plant an ether tree grove in webaverse, with all 100 trees in their inimitable glory.

It will be a place of peace, tranquillity and reflection. And somewhere you can take people on a webaverse date and say "you see that tree over there, that truly awesome tree, that is MY tree and it rocks and I rock".

Or something like that.