Tales from the Crypto

Calling all writers. We are running a twitter flash fiction competition in the month of Proxtober. Win $150 plus your story published.

Tales from the Crypto

Ready for the next event in Proxtober?

Of course you are! LFG!

Slash Fiction

Calling all writers. We are running a twitter flash fiction competition in the month of Proxtober with the following prizes:

First prize pack:

  • 150 USDT
  • Story published on Amazon (ebook and paperback)
  • Story minted as it's own NFT collection, the full story on-chain, author owns the NFT and collection

Second prize: 50 USDT

Third prize: 25 USDT


  • The competition takes place on twitter.
  • A thread with four tweets MAX.
  • Your tweet must start with tagging @eternalproxy and hashtag #epsflash.
    Can be on any theme, BUT see judging criteria (hint: stick to horror / fantasy and crypto for the best chance, but branch out from this if you want. Go wild!).

Shortlist Judging Criteria

  • Story arc: 30%
  • Unique voice: 30%
  • Structure: 10%
  • Horror / fantasy genre: 10%
  • Crypto theme: 20%

We have a published author on-board to assist with shortlisting. The final judge is YOU! The winning entry and 2nd and 3rd place will be decided by EPS community vote from the shortlist. Voting platform to be determined.


  • Last date for submissions: 31 October 2022
  • Voting: second week of November.
  • Winners announced: 14 November 2022

To see what else is happening in Proxtober head to https://www.proxtober.com/.

Good luck!

Stay safe out there.