Proxtober Draw Details!

Proxtober is over! It's time for the prize draw.

Proxtober Draw Details!

Proxtober is over!

Thank you to all of you that took part in the inaugural Proxtober! We are already making plans for next year's event :).

Everyone that created a proxy in October is automatically in the draw for a 1 ETH prize. Now that we have the final list of addresses, here are the details of the draw.

List of Entries

Addresses have been extracted from the chain and uploaded to arweave here:

Arweave is a blockchain for the permanent storing of data. That URL, and the list it holds, can never change.

(For more details on Arweave head on over to, it's pretty cool stuff. Think of it as IPFS on a blockchain, and a blockchain makes everything even better, right?).

The Draw Contract

We will be doing the draw on Ethereum using chainlink VRF.

The draw contract is here:

The contract is very simple. It does the following:

  1. Requests a random number from chainlink VRF
  2. Uses that random number to get the winning entry number using a modulo conversion

We can then take that number, lookup the address on the permanent list stored on arweave, and pay out the 1 ETH!

When Draw?!

We will request the randomness from VRF (i.e. make the draw) between 8pm and 9pm UTC on Tuesday 1st November.

Good Luck!